Groups Registration for Spring 2025 has closed. If you haven’t gotten connected to a group and would like more information, fill out the form below!

2025 February Group Descriptions:

ALPHA - Ever asked the question, “There’s got to be more to life than this?!” This 11-week journey will help you understand the basics of Christianity in a deeper way and invite you into a more fulfilling, intimate life with Jesus. This is the perfect group for nonbelievers, new believers, or people who have been following Jesus for a long time. It also includes a great weekend experience during the journey. There are 3 different options for Alpha: Sunday at The Chapel, Wednesday at The Chapel, Wednesday at the Barrett Home on Exit 29.

SPIRITUAL PRACTICES - This group seeks to learn and live into the Spiritual Practices to become

SABBATH - Are you tired of always feeling worn out, tired, stressed, and like there is never enough time? Come join this group to see how the gospel can transform how we invest our time so that our lives are fruitful and full of rest.

SPIRITUAL GIFTS - Are you looking to discern how God has uniquely gifted you to serve the body of Christ? This group will help you understand the gifts God has given and give you a tool to help discern what He is calling you into.

PARTNER TRAINING - Disciples of Jesus are deployed on a commission with Jesus. Join this group to get practical training to become a Chapel Partner in ministry to Brunswick and beyond!

COVEY LIFE GROUP - This will meet during the 9a service and worship at the 10:30a service. They will grow in belonging together and beholding Jesus while being challenged to become more like Him.

RE-ENGAGE MARRIAGE GROUP - This group will invite married couples to grow deeper in love and intimacy with one another by becoming more like Jesus. It will show how the Bible instructs us to be accurate representatives of His great, sacrificial love. The Nissens will host this group in their home off Harry Driggers Rd. with a limited number of couples.

CANCER CARE GROUP - This group is designed to bring hope and support for all those fighting cancer. If you are battling cancer, a caregiver, a family member, or friend of someone with cancer, and you are looking for some hope and support, this group is for you.

WOMEN’S LIFE GROUP - This Thursday group will focus on hearing more clearly what God is speaking to you and providing accountability to help living into that. Join the ladies as they grow in their receptivity to God’s voice in their lives.

YAM - Join other young adults on Sundays at 9a to grow deeper in belonging together and beholding Jesus.

CHAT GROUP - If you’re older than 60 and looking for a group to join, the Chat Group is a group who meticulously study the Bible together and enjoy one another weekly.

MEN’S CLUB - Join this longstanding morning men’s group. You’re sure to make some friends, enjoy some laughs, and grow deeper in your faith.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY - These ladies meet weekly to grow deeper in their understanding of God’s Word.

GALATIANS BIBLE STUDY - This open group will journey through Paul’s letter to the Galatians together on Wednesdays. Come ready to engage together and grow deeper as Sarah and Cam lead the way.

COMMUNITY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY - This group of men gather from various churches in the community to deeply study God’s Word. It meets at The Chapel currently at 6p on Thursdays.

Recurring Groups:

  • Adult Sunday School Group: Sundays // 10:15a // Family Room

  • Men’s Recovery Group: Mondays // 6:00pm // The Porch

  • Mom Hang: 9:00am // Playground

  • Women’s Night // Every 1st Monday

  • Men’s Night // Every 4th Monday